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5 Fast Facts

5 Reasons Why Men Should Go to the Doctor

Men’s Health Month may have come to a close, but your health deserves attention year-round. Unfortunately, many men put off visiting the doctor to discuss ...
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Prostate Cancer
5 Fast Facts

5 Fast Facts: Prostate Cancer

Thousands of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year alone. Here are 5 fast facts you should know about its symptoms, when to ...
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ABCDEs of the Melanoma
5 Fast Facts

The ABCDEs of Melanoma

Summer starts now! More sun means more outdoor activities and more exposure to harmful UV rays. Even if you protect yourself, it is still a ...
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Lung Scan
5 Fast Facts

5 Fast Facts: Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths in men, causing more than the next three leading causes – prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, ...
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